Simple Communication Trick!

For a little over a year now I have not been able to speak. I typically use an eye gaze device, however there are many times for whatever reason that I am unable to use this device. When that happens, I play the alphabet game to communicate. It is a very simple way to communicate. We have a small white board on my chair. It has this table taped on it. 







So this is how it works. The entire alphabet is divided into subsections by the vowels. When we get to the set of letters that I want, I blink. Then we go through the subsections letters until I blink at the letter that I want. We then write that down on a white board I keep near my chair and repeat the process.  

ALS Tips and Tricks : Zippers in the pants

Bobby modeling his pants with the zippers installed.

We had his existing pants and shorts altered to add zippers running along the outer seam to make dressing and bathroom trips a little bit easier. We took them to a local seamstress who used sleeping bag zippers for the jeans. Bobby did not like the idea of snaps or velcro because they are less secure and have openings to allow air in. Zippers are more durable and easier to use.

Bobby is now completely paralyzed and on a ventilator to breathe, when we transfer him in the hoyer lift to go to the bathroom, we can take his pants off before we even get him up, making the process faster and easier for both Bobby and his care team. It is a game changer.